- [Rw]Moorsy
- [Rw]Fury
- [Rw]Shovato
- [Rw]BlackWolf
- [Rw]Ninety
- [Rw]Sly1
- [Rw]Raver
- [Rw]Macca
- [Rw]Argonaut
- [D]addy_Chill
- [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon
- [Rw]Exotic
- [Rw]Phoenix-
- [Rw]Wolf_Warrior
- [Rw]Mirage
- [Rw]flamingsword
- [Rw]Kaiser
- [Rw]freeTheWeed
- [Rw]Tuk
- [Rw]Boss
- [Rw]TheSaint
- [Rw]Lawman
- [Rw]keemo
- [Rw]Ace_Of_Hearts
- [Rw]Neo
- [Rw]Rijkaard
- [Rw]ra
- [Rw]Bigbang
- [Rw]Lupin
Clan Information:
- Clan Name:
- Royalwidows
- Website:
- Clan Tag:
- Rw
- Tag Style:
- [Rw]username
- Exclusive:
- No
- Description:
- Our clan won’t vanish, it won’t die. If you think you have the capabilities of playing populous very well and can be a loyal member to our clan, then we assume you are a valuable asset to our clan and we’ll try and recruit you. Of course, you could always try to get in. Get to our forums and post an application.
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