

The Preacher can be the most powerful unit, with the ability to stop an entire army. He is a unit trained in a Temple and chants passages from your holy scripture to any enemy he meets. Although weaker than a warrior, this unit can make an entire army of them stop dead in their tracks and sit down to hear about how marvalous you are. Preachers aren't really friendly to each other so they demand that they be seperated a few blocks apart different to the other followers who will clump in groups of sixes.

Preachers aren't so good in combat however. They are only the same strength as a brave and won't even attempt to destroy a building so if that's your goal you might want to have them stay at home. Preachers are also not very effective against other preachers who believe just as strongly in their own shaman and won't be bothered to listen about you. Obviously the enemy shaman is immune to the preaching of these guys as well.

Hit Points82 - 110
Damage (hand-to-hand)6
Building Damage (per second)Won't do it!
Healing (per second)6
Mana Required35-88
Mana Produced (per minute)1.5

The primary ability of a preacher is of course preaching. Any enemy follower that gets close enough to hear your preacher - in the immediate blocks around him - will sit down and listen to him worship your name. Every follower has a 1 in 3 chance of being converted in a time period of around 20 - 30 seconds. Any follower except other preachers can be converted though firewarriors can often kill a preacher before he gets in converting range.

Preachers in towers act pretty much like preachers on the ground with just an extended range. The range is much less than a brave in a tower so don't use these guys if you want a lookout tower. Due to the fact that preachers will stand around chanting to anyone who will listen until they convert to your tribe, they are easily distracted when going places. To keep them on track you may want to force them to go to their target location by holding shift while you click on the point for them to go. This will make them ignore anyone along the way (unless they are attacked).